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Making Transporting Your Motorcycle Possible

The most affordable and convenient
method to transport your motorcycle
to where it needs to go if riding it is
not the option.
Whether you are in a emergency position and needs to
transport your motorcycle or just taking her with on vacation.
Now there is a easy and effortless solution.
No more towing a over sized trailer, and making
transport insufficient on feul. -
No more taking up all your space in your yard for a big
trailer just standing most of the time.
No more paying yearly licence fees.
No more tyre change on a trailer.

“Quick preparations are required to hitch yours or someone else's stranded motorcycle. These pull-behind trailers get the job done efficiently.”
So Many Reasons to buy
Less expensive than a bulky trailer
More money for gas in your tank
No time or money spent on tags or registration
More money for gas in your tank
No additional storage costs
More money for gas in your tank
No tires means no maintenance
More money for gas in your tank
No heavy trailer to haul or maneuver
More money for gas in your tank
We have 2 types of of Units.
The bolt on unit requires you to only unbolt the 2 main bolts to remove your Flange towbar and attach the Bike Abba with 2x M16 bolts.
The coupler unit is for both the new types of towbars (gooseneck, V-Range with pin etc.) and Flange bolt towbars.
1. Bolt on unit 2. Coupler unit

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